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Words Of Wisdom That People Need To Hear

I recently had the privilege to work on a very amazing interview with Bob Proctor and Mike Litman. I transcribed it and as a result became very intimate with that material. And let me tell you it was a very sound investment of my time. The content is so good and it contains so many words of wisdom that everyone needs to hear.

Find Your Words Of Wisdom that People Need To Hear

Find Your Words Of Wisdom that People Need To Hear

And that’s what I’m hoping to be able to do, bring this wonderful content to the masses. It’s not like the interview has never been heard, but I suspect that most people haven’t heard it and even if you have, it’s so powerful that you could listen to it for a month straight and maybe finally be in harmony with it. It’s one of those rare treasures that you’d invite into your life and it would light your life on fire.

I know you must be thinking I’m toying with your mind, and I have to admit I would think the same way, but I’m being straight forward about this and will work to get you access to it. Everyone needs to hear this recording. Okay, enough ranting about how good it is, now I’m going to offer a single nugget of wisdom from that recording. Mind you I’m going to only cover about 1 minute worth of content out of about 57 minutes, so don’t write off the power of this information until you hear the other 56 minutes. Sound fair?

Bob talks about persistence and he says the following, “… All the information I’ve gathered and I’ve been at this for forty years, I’ve been teaching it for 33 years and I’ve gathered an enormous amount of information. I’ve never been into one book, I’ve never been into one tape program, and I’ve never studied one great person’s life where persistence was right up near the top of their priorities. They absolutely refused to quit.”

Wow, I say Wow! Incredible information and words of wisdom that people need to hear. Just think though, you can do the same thing by just offering a compliment or by saying thank you and specifying something specific so that person knows you really care or by doing a good turn. There are a million ways to speak your words of wisdom whether it’s from you heart, through your eyes, via your words, or by your actions.

Until next time,


Learning Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life ©

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