One of my favorite movies of late is one called Mr. Peabody and Sherman and as soon as I heard the portion of that movie that I’m about to tell you about, I knew I had to add it to my list of topics to write about.
That’s because whenever I hear some great mention of any self-improvement topic during a movie, I get really excited and have nearly an overwhelming feeling all throughout my body of joy. It makes me want to tell someone to emphasize the point or show I picked it out like a deer caught in headlights. But I’ve tried to restrain myself from doing that as I improve my personal growth learning.
So instead I write it down and save it to write about here on my blog. Speaking of writing about it, I have to tell you what it is now (hehe). Mr. Peabody told Sherman that he didn’t know how to fly after he had been flying for quite a while. And you know what happened after that, Sherman told himself that he didn’t know how to fly and crashed the airplane he was flying.
You see, he told himself he couldn’t do what he already was doing and began to believe in what he heard and said. Sherman didn’t know he couldn’t fly that plane so he just did it. And I want everyone reading this to change the way they think and start to think in reverse, like what if I did know how to fly that plane? Or what if I didn’t know what I wasn’t capable of? What could I really accomplish if I didn’t place limitations on my capabilities?
That’s what I’m talking about. Here’s another quick story I heard that is pertinent to this conversation. A student came late to class and wrote down 2 math problems that were on the board. He went home and after great difficulty solved them both and brought his paper into his math teacher the next day.
His teacher looked at his work and at him and told him that both problems were solved correctly but had been classified as impossible to solve problems. Yet this student had not solved just one of the impossible math problems, but both of them.
What can you achieve if you believe? The answer is anything. Give it a chance. Give yourself a chance. Why not, you are capable of achieving anything, yet you and most people either don’t know this or don’t believe it, most people both. Don’t let this be you.
Until next time,
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