I went to a party tonight for a friend who just turned 50 who looks quite young and I met other people who were even older, yet looked young too. I asked one of them what the secret was to looking and feeling young. He said being happy, and I agree.
The best part of his answer is that being happy is something that we can control. In other words, we can be happy by making a decision to be that way. I realize we can’t possibly be happy every minute of every day because life is life, but if we can be happy most of the time or become more and more happy over time, then we extend our life and benefit by looking and feeling younger at the same time. What a deal!
I’ve also heard that people who have been diagnosed with health conditions can greatly improve their ability to cope, battle, and overcome an illness by use of laughing, being happy and feeling good. You see, chemicals are released within your body that are good for us and to us. I don’t know all the scientific reasoning behind this phenomena and you don’t need to either. Like turning on a light switch, enjoy the results (the light that is given, don’t pain in how or why it all works).
Being happy also attracts people to you and opens more possibility to opportunity. Let’s face it, people want to be around others that make them feel good and being happy is a natural way of doing just that. In fact, another friend smiles and laughs quite frequently indicating that she is happy. It’s contagious and makes us feel great to.
And if you look at the subject of happiness from its polar opposite, you probably realize that no one likes being around a sourpuss. Being happy is like breathing a big breath of clean cool and fresh mountain air.
Enjoy all that happiness has to offer.
Until next time,
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