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Making New Friends

As I work towards building a tribe in order to prepare for my upcoming book entitled “Interrogating Millionaires”, I’ve been making new friends. The majority of my new friend making has come from online interactions, more specifically social media venues.


Friends Are People You Know, Trust and Love

I really like the idea of making new friends this way because they’re locale can range from the same city I live in to somewhere on the other side of the globe and anywhere in between. What a glorious tool we have in the internet and the networks that bring so many people together that would have never happened had we not created or invented such a mechanism.

Even my blog (http://www.BeliefEqualsPossibility.com) provides a platform to share and interact with wonderful people in a wonderful way. I am thankful for the friends I have and new ones I will gain as time passes. It’s fun to see that more people want to learn about you and share their ideas and life in a very peaceful and loving way.

Thinking about this stirs up the great memories I have from the past when I had attended some Grateful Dead concerts back in the 80’s and 90’s. I really didn’t see many of them, just a handful, but they left me with such a positive experience of community, sharing, and caring. It was a very special moment to see everyone moving in the show to the beat and the intensity of focus towards the music which was an art expression like no other. And outside the show how wonderful it was to mingle, talk and feel such a wonderful comradery, with an uniqueness unlike nothing else.

Now I look forward to building our own community of people who are like minded and want more from life and to experience a better life too. Let’s enjoy the journey together.

Until next time,


Learning Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life ©

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