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Continual Learning Is Something You Can Get Excited About!

If you know me by now, I’m always talking about learning and growing and encouraging you to have a lifelong commitment to these traits too. I live by my teachings and here’s an example.

Learning Creates a New You

Learning Creates a New You

I entered into the world of Enterprise Data Computing about 23 years ago when I started working for a very large computer networking company that makes the internet a reality and I’ve been in it ever since. During that time, the technologies that make it work have changed, with some new ones coming on and others fading away due to lack of adoption.

During this time, I’ve been continuously learning about the technologies that I’m involved with, which today include storage, networking, compute, and virtualization. Some folks know it best by way of its popular “Cloud” infrastructure name. In order to keep up, I have to continually learn about existing and new technologies.

In our industry, a level of competence is achieved and demonstrated by way of certifications that in most cases have to be renewed every 2 years or so based on criteria laid out by the vendors that create and support them. One certification can require having another in order to qualify for it, kind of like building upon your current knowledge, like schools work.

So why all this detail today about certifications? Because I’m currently working on another certification that is more advanced than the last one I got. Gaining certification is achieved by passing an exam. My exam is scheduled for August 24, this month I about 15 days. I’m so excited about gaining that new certification.

What can you start learning today that will get you excited? Whatever it is, begin today and make a goal to achieve it in the time period that makes sense to you. Don’t think anything is beyond your ability to obtain, because it’s not. You’ll not only increase your confidence level in yourself, but you’ll also increase your marketability and improve future security for you and your family (if you have one).

Until next time,


Learning Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life ©

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