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I can do it and I know I can!

I can do it and I know I can

“I can do it and I know I can” should be your motto

The saying, “I can do it and I know I can” is one that was told to me by my mentor Vic Johnson. Now, I’m not sure it was coined by him, but he used it to obtain an incredible amount of success that he’s attained. I’m writing about it today to help inspire you to become all that you can be.

You see, success isn’t easy. In most cases, it takes years to reach it. Yet, the years continue to go by, don’t they? So why shouldn’t you be successful and why not now? Why not begin or continue on your path to reaching whatever it is you desire? You’re going to get there eventually, if you never give up. But to get there you’ve got to have a few tools in your self help toolbox.

The nice thing is there are many tools you can use and the affirmation “I can do it and I know I can” is a great one to pull out on a regular basis. Another tool of many, which I’ll offer up today, is to remember your “why.” Why are you doing what you’re doing? You had reasons when you started your journey or you wouldn’t have started. Use those reasons or new ones to keep motivated and moving toward your dreams and goals.

Take for instance right now in my life. I want to refinance my home to provide more stability in my monthly payments, as I have an adjustable rate mortgage, which to this point has been good to us. Since I suspect that interest rates will go up again, I want to shelter our home from any fluctuations in the market by moving to a fixed interest rate loan instead.

There will always be many obstacles in achieving this or any goal, as there always are and will be, especially when you have your sights set on something big. In fact, the bigger the goal or dream the more challenges and obstacles there will be. I asked myself and shared with my wife the following question: “Does everyone go through these kinds of challenges, referring to the loan?” She said in all her wisdom, “Yes they do.” To which I replied “I was just wondering.” Sometimes it feels like you’re the only one who has to go through what you’re going through when things don’t go smoothly. But even if that’s the case, have some tools ready to improve your attitude so you’ll know exactly what to do when you need something to hold on to in order to maintain a positive composure.

So what do I do? I tell myself that “I can do it and I know I can” over and over and keep moving forward. Don’t give up on anything until you know that you are wasting your time, in other words, your time is more effectively invested elsewhere. I often think how nice it will be once I have reached a goal. Remember, even if a struggle lasts a long time and is resolved in a positive way, down the road, you have still achieved your goal.

Until next time,


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