Hi Everyone,
This week’s featured speaker for the Ask Mister Self Help Tele-seminar series is Cornelis Boertjens. Cornelis has designed an incredible software self help program that utilizes the power of dream boards through his company OrangePeel Systems, LTD. Just in case you didn’t know, dream boards and vision boards are used interchangeably.
I remember being introduced to dream boards when I first was introduced to self improvement over 18 years ago as a result of being involved in multi-level-marketing at the time. I since have moved on from endorsing a products based program to now a learning home based business opportunity, but that’s another story.
During my training I was told about vision boards and that I needed to find pictures that represented what I wanted and place them on cardboard to be placed in frequently visited areas of the home like in the bathroom and on my refrigerator and so on. This way I will see them over and over throughout the day to reinforce my dreams whereby accelerating my goal reaching.
I also remember a business associate having dream boards in her planner and tucked under her car visor. Can you image where these dream boards might have been stashed? The answer is limitless.
Well, that was then, the early nineties and this is almost 2010 and even though most of the principles are the same as they were back then, we have technology help explode our success and improve upon what we had.
That’s exactly what Cornelis’s company OrangePeel has done and this thing puts our old way of doing dream boards on steroids. Check it out and hear our free call this Thursday with Cornelis Boertjens as he provides more wisdom to help you reach your goals and dreams as efficiently as possible.
Have a great week,