You see, what I’ve done is created a habit of working on my dream that’s an everyday occurrence, just like brushing my teeth, and the great thing is you can do that too. Create a life (change for the better) habit in just 30 days. It’s been determined that the previously thought 21 days isn’t long enough based on testing done by NASA.
So I recommend working your dream every day for 30 days and then you’ll have created a habit that will propel you to do it every day indefinitely. Think about a habit you have right now that isn’t serving you and exchange it for one that does serve you. Keep in mind that if you miss one day, you have to start the 30 day habit building activity again from day 1. It’s not a problem, but just realize that this is the way it works so you don’t get fooled and think it doesn’t or won’t work for you. Just follow the instructions laid out here and you’ll be golden.
Until next time,
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