Keep in mind doing the right thing and the thing that makes us grow isn’t usually the easiest thing to do. But with practice it will become easier because it becomes more automatic and natural. In the process you become a new you, a better you, someone you like better by having become that person.
I wish I’d have known about the options we have in getting better when I was young. They don’t teach it in school and it never dawned on me that I could. I suppose I wouldn’t have listened anyway because as they say, you’ve got to be willing to change. I don’t think I was willing to change back then, getting to that point took time.
And that’s another good point, we can change at any moment and take a new path, one that although we may think it should be very familiar to us, it’s brand new. It’s rejuvenating to know that you don’t have to live a life like you have been living if you’re not happy about it. There are options, just seek them out.
Notice that the music we listen to on the radio changes all the time. We don’t listen to the same song over and over, day after day. We listen to what is played by the radio station or better yet we put on the music we know we like. Adjust your life the same way by playing the music you want to hear. Break out of playing the same song day after day, hour after hour for your life. Realize you can live an extraordinary life. Find what that new life would be for you and then “get better” so you can begin living your new life.
Until next time,
Learning Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life ©