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The Psychology of Success – Les Brown

Hello Folks,

Les Brown is one of the most powerful speakers I’ve ever heard and seen. This video will truly add value to your life, cause you to think about what you can become and get you moving in the right direction. Use it to inspire you and lift you up when you feel down. I’m so happy and grateful I found this video. I know you’re going to LOVE it!




Our thoughts are influenced by what we take in from our 5 senses. So if I told you that you would be rich with friends and money over and over and that’s all you ever heard, then most likely this would happen. However, if all I ever told you over and over is that you would be poor and never amount to anything then most likely this is what would happen to you. With this in mind, it’s easy to see how critical safeguarding our senses is. And to do this we must replace the bad and defeating information our senses can be exposed to with good positive information. Belief Equals Possibility gets you back on track, moving towards a winning situation that results in accomplishing anything you set your hearts desire to achieving to create your successful life.

The best thing you can do is totally avoid negativity that most of us get bombarded with throughout the day, day after day and replace it with positive information. Because avoiding negativity can be so difficult, even small doses of positive information can be extremely helpful in guiding you on the right path toward reaching what is really important to you. Belief Equals Possibility offers just the right size dose of positive and informative information that you need on a regular basis. So, you can enjoy and learn by reading the nuggets of wisdom that are there or you can choose to take advantage of the opportunity to participate by providing questions, answers, and insights for all to benefit from.

On of the best benefits of Belief Equals Possibility is that you can enjoy all it has to offer for free. Make a daily quick visit to feed your mind before you tackle your day, to wind down your day, or when things get tough and you can use some uplifting information. It’s all there for you. We feed our body everyday food and water; we owe it to our brain to feed it the same way on a regular basis, just as importantly as exercising our bodies, if not more.

Have you ever felt less than 100%? We all have from time to time and the sooner we get to feeling great again, the sooner we begin living our lives the best that we can. By minimizing the time we feel less than 100%, we increase the potential of our lives in being exactly what we want it to be. We can make more sense of this concept if we think about every minute we spend feeling idle, have apathy, are bored, or depressed, and so on, in these states we are not producing at our peak level or being the best that we can be, and as a result, we are not experiencing the best us or life.

When you feel good you can do and accomplish far more and provide a pleasing attitude that invites good things into your life, welcomes new relationships, and strengthens the ones we already have. Treasures of thoughts and nuggets of wisdom are the building blocks to living the life we desire. This is our goal for you having visited Belief Equals Possibility along with helping you to be successful regardless what you do or what you want to accomplish.

Belief Equals Possibility focuses on providing what you want and need to live a healthy and happy that relates to achieving your dreams and goals regardless of what they are for you. For this reason, we have setup a poll that asks what we can do to better assist in helping you achieve what it is in life that you want or in a faster way. Your answers to this question will help us to deliver future topics and tailor special products that will help in just the areas you most want help with. Often other people share your interest, so leaving your ideas is encouraged by our Belief Equals Possibility staff. Susan, one of our members mentioned how special and precious many of the things we take for granted are as we live our lives on a daily basis. This led to an article about that very subject. Belief Equals Possibility encourages article submissions which offers another level of community participation beyond leaving comments to previously posted articles. Belief Equals Possibility is a site created for you to help you.

Be sure to grab your free “Belief Equals Possibility Treasures” Ebook Now!


Bob Proctor says, “Everything has a beginning. If you drive, you had to learn how to drive. If you type, you had to learn how to type. The same is true for living successfully, for having it all. When you learn how to do something, you begin by learning the basics. And then diligently work with those basics until you have them mastered.” Mr. Proctor goes on to say, “Understand that the time you spend to master the basics will pay great dividends in the long run.” Belief Equals Possibility website does just that. It provides the basics in human potential so that anyone can realize their G-d given talents and live at peak performance to create the life they dream and desire.

Anyone can have anything they want in this world, yet the problem as to why most don’t live the life they want is because they don’t believe in themselves or they don’t believe that they are worthy enough to have what they want. Both revolve around self image. So if we can increase our self image, then we can begin to work towards achieving our dreams and goals. Belief Equals Possibility is designed to be a catalyst in what already exists in each and every one of us, yet unfortunately often ends up never seeing the light of day.

In today’s world of all the bad situations, doom, and gloom we can easily find ourselves thinking thoughts that add to our demise because it’s what we see and hear everyday. It doesn’t take long to find in a newspaper or view a news program on TV to find out how bad things are out there. This kind of information can become dream stealing information if we let it. We must change our channel of information and realize that there has never been a better time in the history of the world to become a millionaire. And other thoughts like, it’s never been a better time to make a positive difference in the lives of thousands.

There is nothing we can’t do if we change our thinking. And for things to change in our lives, our thinking needs to change. This requires that we believe in a new way, adopt a new philosophy, and accept new better and positive ideas. We can’t keep doing what we have been doing in the past and expect different results; life just doesn’t work that way. So if we want our life to change by having more money, or better relationships, or whatever, then we have to change.

To be continued …


What Day Is Going To Be Your Best?

I was thinking today that one day of your life is going to be the best day of your life. However, in reality we won’t know when it will be and in most cases that it has even happened. So my thought focused on this question, “Why not have the best day of your life today?” You certainly could. And to take it one step further, you could have a better day today than most or others if you just chose to do so. In fact, you could have great days most everyday if you really wanted to.

One way to get on the right track in achieving a goal to have your best day today or better than most days today is to answer anyone asking how you are doing with an emphatic “Great” response or something even better, like “It couldn’t get better” or “Today is super, fantastic, incredible and awesome.” You may laugh at that last one but the truth is you will begin to feel as you speak. It’s happened to me so I have proof. You can try it out too. I’ve even got responses like, “What happened, did you win the lottery?” I answer that I have something much better than having won the lottery. I have so much to be grateful for. For example, just to be alive, my family, my health, safety, and on and on. I could go on forever.

And one thing I have found as a result of having an attitude of this type is that I feel much better about myself, what I’m doing, and about life in general. I realize that life hits us with realities consisting of challenges that sometimes seem insurmountable, but you can have more “better” days by telling yourself and others how you want to feel. And when you take this action, more times than not, you will feel the way you desire. Having a positive and happy attitude helps you feel good about yourself and others and provides you with more potential to the success you are aspiring to. Keep up the great work and try out this technique. People who know me also know how I will respond to the question of “How are you today?”

Remember, today could be the best day of your life and even if it’s number 2 or 3 or whatever number behind the best day of your life, you’ll ultimately experience a much fuller rewarding life, and accomplish a lot more than you would have otherwise. My wish for you is to experience all the happiness and satisfaction you can.


Gestation Period – How Long Does It Take?

As Bob Proctor says, “Everything has a gestation period.” For example, we know that it takes 9 months from conception until a new born baby is born. And there is a gestation period for plants from seedling to producing fruits or vegetables.

So why are we talking about this? Because as we move towards our dreams and goals, we may wonder and ask ourselves how long will it take until we achieve them? I know I’ve asked and pondered this question myself. The answer to the question, how long will it take to reach a goal or dream is that you won’t know until you reach it. However, you can and will reach whatever it is that you desire if you never give up and are persistent in reaching it. You stand a better chance of reaching your goal or desire sooner and at all if you are fanatical about it and keep in the forethought of you mind as much as possible.

The best thing you can do is to take daily action that will move you in the direction of completing your goals everyday regardless how small the activity may be. I’ve found that by setting monthly goals and saying them at least twice a day is very helpful to me. I recommend taking a day a week for yourself and to not work on your monthly goals during that one weekly day so you can be sure to enjoy the journey of your life. Make those days something special for yourself and as much as possible; share it with friends and family.

When you continuously work towards your dreams and goals on a daily basis you know that it is a matter of time before you will achieve them. Also, you will find opportunities appearing before you that lend in helping you to achieve those goals and dreams that either would not have done so had you not been working toward them or you would not have recognized them.

For example, I’ve been working on increasing traffic to my websites ““Believe Yourself To Success” and “Belief Equals Possibility”, which among many other things promotes very helpful products benefiting its many dedicated members. I misplaced access information to one of those products, a highly recommended tapping product of which I recently purchased in order to learn of its value. Upon requesting access information again, I was introduced to the author of the tapping product. Now I have a personal connection with the author that may lead to us working together.

The possibility of working with the author of a product I am endorsing would not have happened had I not been working towards my goal of helping and serving my customers to accentuate achieving of their goals and dreams. As a result of having been focused on my goals, I recognized this opportunity for what it was and didn’t write it off as just a simple customer support transaction. In fact, I was surprised that I actually was put in direct touch with the author of the product, which I feel is rare in any situation.

The gestation period of achieving a goal and dream is directly proportional to the amount of effort and focus you put into achieving them, which is influenced by the pain of not doing it and the pleasure from the rewards of having done them. Usually, reaching your achievements is considered to have never passed too soon. My wish for you is to realize all the success and joy in life that you desire.


Do I Have What It Takes? 7 Ways To Improve Your Self-Esteem

Of course you do! However as I go about my day to day activities, I can’t help but notice how people can be down on themselves so much. Success will come to those that have a great self-image. How do you feel about yourself? Are you pleased? Or are you discouraged? If you aren’t ecstatic with yourself, then you can use a change for the better. Because you will never go beyond the level of success that you can see, believe, and feel for yourself and to believe and see the success you truly desire, requires your self-esteem be at that same level. You must know that you are worthy of achieving that which you desire.

Here are seven ways to improve how you see and feel about yourself. Try these …

1) Tell yourself that you love and like yourself on a regular basis
2) Block out, avoid, and protect against negative thoughts and information regardless of how hard it is to do and what it is. Keep positive by investing in and utilizing self help materials of all kinds
3) Build confidence in the areas that you need to have confidence in. Do so by learning more about the talent, skill or topic and strive to be an expert at it
4) Make a list of all the things you have done that you consider accomplishments. Go over this list by adding things as they come to mind and also to review. As you review your list, bask in the feeling it gives you as a result of having reached these accomplishments.
5) Start doing things, even little things that move you closer toward your goals so you can celebrate in these accomplishments. As you take these small steps, you will feel better about yourself
6) Have big dreams and focus on them over and over. Make a huge list of the best things that you can acquire and become in your life. Emotionalize them to the point that they are real to you. Talk to yourself and others about them constantly. Dreams of this caliber will lift your self-confidence causing you to begin moving in a direction that makes them come to pass. Once you have your goals and you continually focus on them then the key will be to stay persistent at reaching them
7) Associate with success minded people, as they will lift you up and support you in your endeavors

Self-esteem, how you feel about yourself is so important to your success that without it, you won’t succeed in a meaningful and worthwhile way. You’ve got to work and practice building self-esteem on a daily basis along with the necessary actions you do that will move you closer to your goals. Just like food for your body, so is the importance of food for the mind. You can’t expect to make leaps and bounds in any area of your life, like relationships, happiness, peacefulness, financial, or otherwise without working on it. You’ve got to put heat in the oven before you can bake the cake. And heating the oven begins by working on yourself at being the best you can be. Of course, the cake is the desired result.


What Is The Most Important Thing I Can Do Today?

This (similarly taught by Brian Tracy) question is one you should be asking yourself on a daily basis. By asking this one question on a daily basis, you will be keeping yourself better on track in accomplishing your goals and dreams than probably anything else you can do. Is that valuable? Of course it is. So make this part of your morning or evening conversation to yourself and if you prefer the evening, modify the question to “What is the most important thing I can do tomorrow?” Then of course you have to follow through with the answer to that question. Try it for 30 days and see how far you go and how pleased you are with the results of having done so.

Here is one of the most important things you can start doing or continue doing if you are already. Doing this is in addition, not instead of what you are doing when you answer the question posed in the preceding paragraph. The answer isn’t new to people who are committed to life long learning or have been practicing self improvement. The answer is to monitor and control your thoughts.

When I say this I mean anything negative that comes into your conscience mind is intentionally recognized by you and blocked by changing your thoughts to something that is positive in nature. It could be anything. In fact, I suggest you find a positive thought regarding your previously perceived negative thought and dwell on it instead to help negate the harmful affects it may have. The truth is every negative thought has an equal and opposite positive thought that can replace the original negative thought. In other words, how you perceive a situation can be either positive or negative depending on how you make it.

You may think or say to yourself, I’m not sure if every negative situation has an equal and opposite positive side to it. But I believe that it does. You may not be able to find the positive that is “equal” in nature, even though it is there, but you can find one, if not many positives when you think hard and long enough, sincerely searching for them. There are infinite examples that can be made as compared to the infinite number of possibilities negativity can rear its ugly head. Here are a few simple examples to give deeper understanding:

1. When it rains one may think of it as a bad thing. However everything living relies on it, so it could and should be considered a good thing
2. An infection may be considered a bad situation. In most cases, after the infection is gone our bodies are stronger from having fought it off, which is a good thing
3. If we are to miss out on a promotion or even a good grade in school, we learn where we can improve and get better and as a result have an opportunity to learn from it and become more prepared and successful for future similar endeavors

Our greatest growth comes from the challenges that we face and overcome not as much from the successes we have. It’s important that we keep our minds in the right frame and not let negative thinking take over. As Norman Vincent Peale said, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Following the suggestions outlined in this article, you can have happiness and success in your life because you are inviting it to you. Allow negativity to find its way into your mind/thinking and you will find disappointment, frustration, struggle and other elements that nobody wants. So, guard your thoughts from them!


Video On Passion And Belief

Here is a great short video that has a lot of value in the way of belief and passion. Enjoy.


What’s Your Passion?

I have recently been inspired by what I heard by having listened to Anthony Robbins speak on passion in his “Live with Passion” program. It began me thinking about some of the most fundamental questions that we should be asking ourselves and ways to find meaning for ourselves and our lives.

The thought provoking question I came away with as a result of having heard the program was, “What is the purpose of your life?” When you can answer this question and are working towards it, your life has meaning that nothing can substituted for. Here is where you will find passion for your life. If you are pursuing what you feel is your calling for your life, your destiny if you will, you will live a life of happiness, peace and experience a joy and fulfillment that nothing else can fulfill.

I found this for myself. It has taken me 17 years of searching for my calling and I don’t wish this length of time for you to find yours, however, for that period of time I have been in what I thought was hot pursuit to what will be the next thing that will jettison me to the level of success that I desire. One thing after the next with extreme commitment and energy, however disappointing results. As of sometime recently I have found a real chemistry in my latest venture as I love to help people, have extensive training and learning in self improvement, and am a high-tech person. So my latest choice of creating a website to provide self improvement to everyone is a perfect click for me. I feel like I’ve come home as every aspect is as comfortable to me as a warm soft couch is on a cold winters night.

I haven’t been able to put it down. I don’t look for excuses to be idle at my passion. But instead look for reasons to stay focused on what I feel G-d has put me on this earth to achieve. So more importantly, have you found your passion? What really rings your bell? If your not working on what gives you more happiness than anything else in the world then you need to rethink what your doing and why. You can’t afford to let it slip away from you. As we only have one life and that’s it. You better be doing what you really want to. As Alfred Adler said, “I am grateful for the idea that has used me.”

I can’t tell you how important this is because it really means the difference between life and death. You will extend or cut short your life based on working and achieving what is most important to you, that which provides you a passion. Your passion will keep you going and alive. Living life without passion will cause you to feel drained and be lived like a ship sailing the sea with no direction or motor. Living life with a passion will keep you going through the good times and give you an extra boost when times get tough. Either way, living with or without a passion, it won’t be long before your will to live, will be challenged. You will be better prepared to deal with the challenges if you have a passion in your life.

If you aren’t already working on something that you can become passionate about, then do as I have by not changing things dramatically in your life, but rather adding to what you already do. It may mean doing without some things that you currently do, but you need to make priorities for yourself that you can live by and feel good about having made when you come to the end of your life. Once you have made your priorities, stick by them. If you are truly passionate about what you do, the other things won’t hold a higher priority for you. Testing for interest may be a good test for how passionate you are about what you are doing. And the more passionate, the more you will feel that you are fulfilling the life you know that you should. We are all on this planet for a reason, to contribute to it in some way. What is yours? Only you can find for yourself the answer to this question. But once you do, you will live a life that you won’t regret later and will bring significant contributions to those you touch by having done what you do, your passion.


You’ve Got To Believe To Succeed

Let me ask you a question. And I suggest you take a moment to think and answer it.

“When I say the word belief, what comes to mind?”

Most likely there are two possible areas that may be triggered, one being religious and the other being success minded. For the purposes of this article, we will address belief and how it relates to success.

When I think of belief, dreams and goals comes to mind. Because they all three go together hand in hand. Actually the order that these words might be discussed is like this: Dreams -> Belief -> Goals. First you must have a dream, whatever they are. Your dreams should have no boundaries, only desires of your heart. The next required phase of success is that you must believe in your dreams. In order to believe in something you have to have thought about it to the point where it goes beyond being characterized as a dream, but rather becomes a passion. Finally, by placing a date to accomplish a dream by, you create a goal for yourself. It is important to note that you must first believe in your dreams before a goal can be achieved. Similarly, in construction of a building, installation of windows requires walls, foundation, floors and so on be constructed first. There is a logical progression that is necessary.

One of the most useful pieces of information we can acquire from this discussion is the answer to the question, “How do we gain belief (in our dreams)?” The answer is in building your dream. In the beginning you determine your dream and consequently build belief based on that dream. Somewhere down the road on your path to achieving your goals, you may find that your belief falters you. Here is when you need to start at the beginning of the process by building that dream again. Make it huge and be specific to the point of experiencing perceived possession of your dream. So real in fact that you can touch it, taste it, and describe it in such a manner that others are completely convinced that you have already experienced that which you desire, your goal. Once your dreams are crystal clear to you, then you will believe your dreams are truly yours again.

In addition, tell yourself you deserve the dreams you desire and that you are worthy of them. Be prepared and willing to provide a product or service to others that will enable you to realize success. To become successful requires that you serve others in some way. When serving others, do so in a way that is pleasing to them. Doing so will provide a winning formula for you. Solicit feedback from potential customers as a means of determining if you are on the right track or not.

Believe hard and long. Deeply focus on it. Keep your dreams alive. Never give up, have patience and persistence. You can do it. You’ll never regret accomplishments as you journey through life. Yet regret will besiege you when challenges are not achieved. Belief in your mission, dreams, goals, and yourself will make the difference.

I want to leave you with one of my favorite quotes. W. Clement Stone said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

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