by Kevin Levine
on August 6, 2014
As I work towards building a tribe in order to prepare for my upcoming book entitled “Interrogating Millionaires”, I’ve been making new friends. The majority of my new friend making has come from online interactions, more specifically social media venues.

Friends Are People You Know, Trust and Love
I really like the idea of making new friends this way because they’re locale can range from the same city I live in to somewhere on the other side of the globe and anywhere in between. What a glorious tool [continue reading…]
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by Kevin Levine
on August 5, 2014
I recently started as a member of a newly created mastermind group. Although it is currently the size of 2, including myself, it’s been an extremely valuable experience from the start.

Find Your Mastermind Team
It’s like a breath of fresh air because when you are working towards a big goal, there is tremendous [continue reading…]
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by Kevin Levine
on August 3, 2014
I went to a party tonight for a friend who just turned 50 who looks quite young and I met other people who were even older, yet looked young too. I asked one of them what the secret was to looking and feeling young. He said being happy, and I agree.

Happiness Is Fresh And Clean Goodness For You!
The best part of his answer is that being happy is something that we can control. In other words, we can be happy by making a decision to be that way. I realize we can’t possibly [continue reading…]
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by Kevin Levine
on July 31, 2014
One of my favorite movies of late is one called Mr. Peabody and Sherman and as soon as I heard the portion of that movie that I’m about to tell you about, I knew I had to add it to my list of topics to write about.

Touch The Sky With Your Unlimited Capabilities
That’s because whenever I hear some great mention of any self-improvement topic during a movie, I get really [continue reading…]
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by Kevin Levine
on July 30, 2014
Sometimes and much of late, I’ve felt I’m burning the candle at both ends. Last night I was thinking and talking to my Wife and I mentioned that I never have difficulty sleeping. When my head hits the pillow and halfway through my prayer, I’m usually out until morning.

Do you sleep quickly, do you feel good about your day?
It’s actually a good thing as I do recall a time in my life when my mind would race like crazy and think about all kinds of things that might [continue reading…]
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by Kevin Levine
on July 28, 2014
I recently had the privilege to work on a very amazing interview with Bob Proctor and Mike Litman. I transcribed it and as a result became very intimate with that material. And let me tell you it was a very sound investment of my time. The content is so good and it contains so many words of wisdom that everyone needs to hear.

Find Your Words Of Wisdom that People Need To Hear
And that’s what I’m hoping to be able to do, bring this wonderful content to the masses. It’s not like the interview has never been heard, but I suspect that most people haven’t heard it and even if you have, it’s so powerful that you could
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by Kevin Levine
on July 27, 2014

Music is an expression in creativity so bloom where you’re planted
Jim Rohn said not to miss the shows and life experiences in order to bring richness to our lives. And that’s exactly what I did tonight when my family and I went to see The Steve Miller Band and Journey play. We had a great time. And as I was watching the show, my eyes drifted over to where one of the two large screens were positioned to see about getting a better view.
Then I noticed a tree along with others that covered a small part of the screen and it dawned on me that the tree had most likely attended more shows than anyone else had. And furthermore it probably had plenty of stories to tell if it could.
And that brought about awareness and recall of one of my favorite self-improvement recordings by Joel Osteen, entitled “Bloom where you’re planted.” You see, that tree had [continue reading…]
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by Kevin Levine
on July 25, 2014
It’s funny that my excitement caused me to pull my daughter into my office to share with her this wonderful music video, to which she said she’d already seen it. Her comment is believable because literally thousands of people have, but I because it was new to me, I thought it must be new to everyone. Wrong.
This is one of those types of videos that really captures your attention and leaves you willing to watch again even though you’ve seen it 4 times already. And keep in mind, if this woman can create such wonderful music, what music is in you that you can create?
Enjoy and until next time,
Learning Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life ©
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by Kevin Levine
on July 23, 2014

Do you start your day like this?
Every day is a new day. We are so blessed, especially as Americans because we have the freedom to do nearly whatever we want whenever we want to. The possibilities of making good things happen for us, our families, and for others is limitless.
So how do you approach your new day? Do you jump out of bed, beat your chest and shout “I’m so happy and grateful to be alive!”? Or is your life a little different than that? I can’t say my life is like that, but I’d like to try. [continue reading…]
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by Kevin Levine
on July 22, 2014

Are we following the single most important thing concept?
I’ve been enjoying employing a lot of self-improvement by self-learning it over the years and one of the things I heard written one way or another has to do with productivity and results. That’s to ask yourself the question, “What is the single most important thing I can do right now that will help move me closer to my goal?”
Interestingly when I was in school as a child, nobody ever talked to me about such a question or concept. Doesn’t seem like something that should be held back from discussing within an educational establishment because doing so means that nobody got that valuable concept implanted in their brain.
That wonderful and useful idea of doing [continue reading…]
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