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I had a bad day, but it turned out alright

Bad Day Road

Had a Bad Day On the Road Called Life

I had a real tough day yesterday as things didn’t go as they should. It’s one of those valley’s in life that we would rather bypass than endure. And now that things have settled down and seem a bit more tolerable, I can look back and feel proud in the way it was handled. That is the way I handled it.

I’m not trying to give myself too much credit, I’m just very pleased with the way it turned out as I’m sure most people would be in order to get past a speed bump on the road called life. [continue reading…]


Enjoy Your Goal Journey

Your Journey Is Exciting

It’s easy to think of a goal in your mind and with a little more effort, what needs to be provided in order to get it written, especially how a goal should be written. You know, positive, as if it’s already happened, obtainable but stretches you and so on.

But think about this, when you get going on your goal, you may start to realize that achieving it takes longer and requires a lot more energy than you previously thought. That’s when “problems” can seem to develop. [continue reading…]


Start Believing in You

Belief Equals Possibility. That’s what a good friend told me as he knows this site is mine. It’s funny he had to say this to me, but it emphasizes the point that I need to work harder on me. And that’s just what I’m doing.

And to help, I came across this very inspiring video as I work to believe in anything that is important enough to believe in (i.e. my dreams and goals). I think you’re going to like it. Enjoy.

If you’re not where you want to be, keep working on your belief in where you want to be. Everything will fall into place if you do.

Until next time,



What is faith? That’s probably the first thing you need to understand, because if you don’t recognize the importance of faith, then nothing else really matters.

See Your Life For What it Can Be By Implementing Faith

It took me many years to understand what faith is and you may be thinking you already know too. But to me, faith is the precursor to success. Why? Because faith is required to succeed at anything that you want to succeed at.

I’ve also heard it said that faith is believing you will succeed at what it is you desire, which isn’t a bad way of explaining faith either. But “belief” is the predecessor to “faith”. In other words, you have to believe in something before you can have faith in it. But if you want to get to the underlying theme of what faith truly is and what I subscribe to, faith is belief in yourself that you can achieve what it is you are after or the success you desire before it actually happens at a subconscious level. Once you believe you can accomplish something, you are on your way in doing just that. [continue reading…]


Believing Equals Achieving

Hello Everyone.

As you can see in this video clip anything is possible. You’ve just got to believe and begin to take action in your dreams. Enjoy this inspiring message that we all can learn and benefit from. You have the capacity to overcome and achieve anything you want because Belief Equals Possibility.

Remember your dreams and remember your purpose. I believe in you and your dreams. Follow them.

Until next time,

Kevin (Mister SelfHelp)

Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility

Learning Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life ©


Find Your Own Stairway to Heaven Here on Earth

Here is a most riveting version of Stairway to Heaven written by Led Zeppelin and performed here by Nancy and Ann Wilson of Heart. I think everyone loves this song because it speaks from the heart. Follow your dream, find it, and live it. I invite you to listen to this very special performance and most of all enjoy. Then continue searching for your dreams and NEVER GIVE UP on them!

Keep in mind that we aren’t on this planet consisting of miracle after miracle to not live our fullest life. So let’s get what it is we are after done, step by step. Work as a team with mentors and masterminds like Led Zeppelin has. Stairway to Heaven wasn’t created by one person, it took a team of players. You are blessed and Incredible!

Kevin (Mister SelfHelp)

Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility

Learning Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life ©


Zig Ziglar Died Today

It saddened me to find out that one of my great Mentors passed today, Zig Ziglar. Zig has been such a great inspiration to me and so many. There are very few people who reach the level of importance and success within the Self Improvement industry as Zig has done. I’m so thankful he left us with some treasures in the way or books and recordings. I will always enjoy them.

Here is the email I got this morning from Zig’s family:

In Loving Memory of Zig Ziglar 1926-2012‏

Zig Ziglar passed from this world today after a short bout with pneumonia. Though his time on earth has ended, he is speaking with Jesus now in his heavenly home. The angels in heaven are rejoicing and his family is celebrating a life well lived.

If Zig has impacted your life or you want to leave a message to the family, please leave your remarks on his FaceBook page. Don’t worry about being too specific or long. Take as much space as you want…the family wants to know.

Please check back on FaceBook as we will be posting when the memorial service will be held.

Zig Ziglar - One of the Great People of Our Lives

Here are my comments to Zig Ziglar’s family and I encourage you to share yours:

I very much enjoyed listening to Zig who has been my mentor for over 20 years. I’ll continue to learn from him as his wisdom is timeless. I wish the best to his family and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from such an incredible person. You are already missed Zig. You are Incredible!


I was listening to one of my Nightingale Conant programs featuring Anthony Robbins and I was yet again inspired by one of my mentors and found deep meaning the way he discusses the thought “How can I get better?”

Nobody Ever Said Life Would Be A Bowl Of Cherries, Ask Yourself How Can I Get Better?

Nobody Ever Said Life Would Be A Bowl Of Cherries, Ask Yourself How Can I Get Better?

I believe Anthony may make a slightly different spin on it like “How can I make it better?” or something similar and then I thought “How can we make it better?” and I’m sure there are other spins on the way this is presented or shared, but the true higher intelligence is in “How can we improve on what it is we already have?”, whether it’s within us or outside us.

The real value is in not settling for complacency, but instead always striving to “be” or “do” better or more than you did before, so you can become a new better you. You should be always getting better at [continue reading…]


Your life’s Purpose and Passion

I’ve been listening and paying attention to my mentors and in doing so have come to peace with what it is that I’m on this planet to do. Just like them I’m here to give to you the best in order for you to believe and achieve. I’ve even changed the subtitle of Belief Equals Possibility to read “The Number 1 Site on Believing and Achieving”.

Have An Eye For Your Life's Purpose And Passion

Have An Eye For Your Life's Purpose And Passion

One common thread that runs between all my mentors is they’ve found their life’s purpose and passion by giving of themselves in such a way that they continuously work to do all they can do to help you, what I’d call “Our loyal fans!”

They give of themselves over and over in a labor of love. It’s not really work to them, but rather an opportunity to do what they love to do. Doesn’t that sound like they’ve found their Life’s Purpose and Passion?
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Everyone Loves Excellence!

Dara Torres an American Hero

Dara a World Hero Through Excellence

I’ve recently completed reading “Age is Just a Number” by Dara Torres of which I enjoyed immensely. In this book, Dora talks about her journey through 5 Olympic swimming competitions and in the process having acquired 12 medals including 4 Gold from age 14 to 41. It’s noted at age 45 she expects to be in the 2012 summer Olympics too.

As I thought about Dara and her accomplishments it dawned on me that Dara is a US hero and then I quickly realized she’s a world hero. Regardless who you are or what your age is you can find admiration and inspiration from Dara’s story.
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