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I’m currently reading The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale for at least the second time and it feels like my first time reading this powerful self-improvement book. I always enjoy reading from it.

Enlightening Display Of Lights

Positive Is Good Yet We Must Recognize Negativity. Just Don't Dwell On It

One of the passages I read about in the book that actually is a more recently added portion of the book called, The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking, was so powerfully positively influencing that I want to share it with you right now.

To put some context around the passage I’ll say that sometimes people remark you have to be a realist or recognize the negative when utilizing the power of positive thinking should something negative happen or exist. I’ve thought in the past this kind of remark really “does not compute” with me, because I know positive thought is always “right” thinking.

And it is. However, I’ve recently learned you have to also consider “realism” or negativism around you at some level too. You might think my having recently discovered this to be surprising, but again for the past 18 years I’ve focused on positivity, goals, helping others, and work at hand more than anything else and in doing so have intentionally avoided the idea of realism or negativism.

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Hello Friends,

How are things going? Smooth as butter? I doubt it :^) Because if you’re living life then you’re having more and new challenges everyday! Where’s your salvation? Overeating? Leaving things up to your higher power? Reading a good book? Or watching a good movie? Anyone of these possibilities can give way to a short term solution in helping to deal with those antagonizing issues.

A Bunch Of No Balls With One Yes Ball Representing That You Can Believe And Can Achieve

You've Got To Believe Others Who Believe In You Until You Believe Yourself!

Sometimes you just need a 5 minute or 5 hour vacation to help reduce the stress and anxiety that can and does hit everyone from time to time. Knowing what you will do when the hard times come is preparation well spent.

I’d like to talk about the great times all the time. Or how to make it towards reaching your goals and dreams and other positive thoughts or ideas. However, the truth is if you are working towards reaching a new level in your life, you’re going to meet defeat head on and most likely many times. It’s amazing how an incredible idea in your mind can meet with so much opposition or lackadaisical (or should I say a lack of) enthusiasm. Then you think how can this possibly be happening? I know it’s so right and has more power to do good and be just the thing the people of whom you serve want and yet it turns out, at least at the beginning to be a “What’s everyone’s problem” type thinking that goes through your mind.

My attitude is that of a song played by the band Journey that says “Don’t Stop Believin”. I believe it’s a matter of time that things will begin to click. Don’t give up or give in. Make a decision to go after that which you believe in. Think about others who came before you who had they stopped believing might have left us in the dark, without any way to record music, or no Kentucky Fried Chicken, just to name a few.

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Find Your Passion – What’s Your Dream

What’s your dream? Do you live your life with passion? I believe some of you do, but I also believe most of you don’t. And that’s sad.

Find Something You Can Get Really Excited About!

As Brian Tracy talks about, What would you do with your time if you came into millions of dollars is most likely your passion and life’s purpose.

My daughter, Susan has two dreams of which she is living through her crowdfunded Arcade Extravaganza project. One is to create an iPod Touch (iTouch)/iPhone/iPad mobile application funded by a community of supporters like you and Two is to help feed the world by utilizing a portion of the sales generated by Arcade Extravaganza to fight hunger.

That’s a noble idea on her part that I can stand behind too. I know how uncomfortable I feel when I’m hungry and I don’t like it one bit. Her dream has become my dream and we want her dream to become your dream too.

Especially if you don’t have a dream for yourself. Because everyone needs something to believe in, something to dream about, and you can live your dream through her dream. That is until you can discover and pursue one of your own.

Because we want you to live your life to its fullest, we want you to be as successful as you possibly can be. We want nothing more than that for you! We also know that for this to happen, you are going to have to have a dream.

Once you find your dream. You will also find your passion and nothing will stand in your way, between you and your dream. You’ll feel it in your entire being and in every cell of your body. It will cry out because you believe so strongly in what you are doing. You don’t mean to step on anyone’s toes or offend them, but you may because you are so committed to what you are doing. You see, failing is not an option. You have no choice but to do what you fell is right!

Now, is what you do right now meet this definition?

If not, why not? And I’d like you to re-evaluate your life and make changes that will be a turning point for you. Get on the right road or path. Quit playing with life and start living it. Remember you only live one life, there are no dress rehearsals and you will die someday. Make a decision to find your passion and live your dream instead of missing that golden opportunity. You haven’t much time to create whatever it is that you want, so get started today and commit to completing your passion or some portion of it by setting a deadline. Guess what, you’ve just created a goal.

Have a great week,

Kevin (Mister SelfHelp)

Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility

Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life


What’s Your enemy?

Shama Israel Adoni Elo Hanu Adoni Echad – Here oh Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is one

Why did I say that famous Jewish blessing? Because that’s how I go about the beginning of my prayers in helping to defeat the enemy.

What's Your Enemy?

Arcade Extravaganza Main Menu

Challenges and difficulty happen all the time and you have to be prepared for them as much as possible. You see, the enemy can bring bitterness and disappointment and can cause you significant difficulty if you let it. The choice is up to you and if you are smart, you will be better prepared to meet those difficulties by making a decision on how you will respond to them when they do occur.

Let me tell you a little story that happened recently. As you may know, my daughter has been working on her Arcade Extravaganza project. Everything was going really good. Her friends and supporters like you were coming out to show support by making donations. Then it really got exciting when on Thursday August 6th a huge donation of $6000 came through.  We were so happy because our goal was $6000 and we had more than that. At first we wondered if it was real or not and couldn’t believe it. We finally accepted that it was real and began to celebrate our success. I believe in G-d, so I was overwhelmed with appreciation and thankfulness to what had transpired. I believed that my long 18 year journey was finally paying off and that my time had come to experience the success that I had been looking for.

Susan began to contact corporate sponsors and one of the first 3, Bill Gates gave a generous $10,000 donation within 24 hours of the $6,000 donation having come in. We know Bill can afford it so we were ecstatic about this huge donation and it added very impressively to our total, which was now around $16,500 and we could breathe a breath of relaxation as we no longer would need to contemplate the possibility of needing to have a strong push to meet our $6,000 in 60 day goal.

There are several crowdfunding sites out there and Susan chose Kickstarter which requires you meet your goal or you don’t get any of the donations. So it was very imperative that we hit the 6K goal within the allotted time.  Each crowd funding site is a little different in how they work, so it’s really good to know the differences of each and use the one you believe will work the best for what you are trying to achieve. Some don’t have deadlines, some don’t require you get all the money to get any of it; some have easier ways for contributors to donate and so on.

Monday morning, Aug 9th we got a tip that some of the donations were bogus and after investigating them, we found out that it was true. We contacted Kickstarter who has limited customer service and they did not respond. We wanted to get the account corrections made quickly in order to release a press release that was ready to go, so we attempted to correct the situation by removing the donations. Kickstarter decided to close the campaign at this point without contacting us and that was it.

We have since started a new campaign with another crowdfunding site called GoFundMe.com and we had to hold off on releasing the press release for now because we wanted to have some seed money donated before we announced Susan’s project via her press release. As a result, we are asking for your support again to donate the same as before. This time the donation will be instant, so please expect that. The URL hasn’t changed as we now redirect to the new site.

So my question to you is what are your enemies?

They are out there and you have to know they are going to come to you. How are you going to respond when they do? A victor or a victim? The choice is up to you. You see before the money was there and after we found out the money wasn’t there, nothing had changed other than time had passed and a lot of emotions of victory and disappointment. So if you took out that event in time, the same challenges await us. How are we going to respond to them is what matters, not what happened.

How do I deal with it? First, I expect it. Next, I leave it in the hands of my higher power and in doing so, I know He who cannot be defeated is taking on my problems and so I will be victorious in some way. Lastly, I know G-d has a master plan for me and so I say the Shama.

Have a great day,


Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility

Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life


Belief Equals Possibility

A thirteen year old girl who I’m proud to say is my daughter Susan, believes in her dream. Yes folks, she has discovered that belief equals possibility.

A Dream Come True

Belief Equals Possibility

For the past several months, Susan’s been working on creating a new iTouch, iPhone, and iPad application called Arcade Extravaganza. She’s even added an additional challenge to her project, she’s utilizing the power of crowd funding.

You see, her piggy bank wasn’t big enough to cover all of the expenses of bringing her dream to create Arcade Extravaganza to the market. So she used the money she had and then worked real hard to communicate her desire to complete Arcade Extravaganza through her crowd funding project that you can find on Kickstarter.com right now.

When you believe in your dreams, anything is possible but you have to get to the point where you’ve created a burning desire within yourself. Once you’ve done this, you can have whatever it is that you want. And let me tell you something, Susan has got to that point.

Her Arcade Extravaganza iTouch, iPhone, and iPad application is on her mind all the time. She thinks about how she can improve her idea or create more value to the community she serves so she can build a bridge to satisfying even demanding iDevice users, and her standards are high.

What do you believe in? What can you believe in? Discover for yourself like Susan has with her Arcade Extravaganza project. So you can live your dreams and stop compromising on life.

Susan would really appreciate your support by making a donation regardless how small and by telling friends, family, and co-workers about her project to create $6,000 in 60 days. We both thank you in advance.

Until next week, have a great day.



Life Is Tough

If you know me at all, you know that I don’t usually say things like “Life Is Tough”, and you’re right I don’t because I believe that what you say is what you get. Maybe not right away, but your most dominate thoughts will determine your future. Just like self talk can change your future to whatever you choose it to be.

You Can Succeed

So why then did I say it?

The truth is that life is tough. The only time life isn’t tough is when you’re dead. So if you feel like you’re having a tough go at it, then you’re right on course. Thank your higher power for the strength to see it through. And remember that even tough times will pass at some time.

I was thinking late last night how sometimes going through hard or bad times is preparation for the good and great times. You have to have a comparison between the two (bad times and good) to even see that where you are at any moment (good or bad).

It’s easy to take for granted the good times and also easy to accentuate the not so good times. So how do we differentiate between the two? It’s up to us to do that. But always remember that no matter how bad it seems to get that it can get worse and it’s probably not as bad as you make it out to be.

Someone said, “If you knew other people’s problems you’d probably be happy to just have your own.”
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Here is a story of how belief and courage can help you overcome fear so you can get what you want.

After hearing about an upcoming appearance by a long loved musician, I decided to go see Lionel Richie in concert as I’ve liked his work and that done with the Commodores (Brick house is a great song). I’ve seen a lot of concerts over my lifetime and yet never seen Lionel Richie or Commodores, so this concert was on my list of things to do. Tickets were fairly expensive for this outdoor event and I wanted to take my children with me so they could enjoy too. Willing to compromise, I decided we could listen from outside the venue and still catch some great sounds from our lawn chairs.

The Power of Belief – Stop Fear and Embrace Courage

Get Your Ticket To Reach Your Dreams And Goals

As we got out of the car, it struck me. I’ve done it before for myself on occasion for other shows. I’d ask people if they had any extra tickets that they couldn’t use. You see, any tickets they take into the show without using are wasted and sometimes people can’t go for one reason or another. As I started asking around, I felt kind of strange, and uncomfortable about it. Fear filled my mind as I thought about what I would need to do and my belief was pretty low about making it happen. Even my kids acted as though they disowned me as they tried to flee from me while I was working my magic. Have you ever had that happen to you kind of feeling? If not, I encourage you to put yourself out there beyond your comfort zone sometime because successful people will do what unsuccessful people won’t. So you need to build up courage within you. I had almost given up, but somehow I mustered up the courage to continue and I’m now glad that I did. Have you ever felt like quitting early on when things don’t go the way you want them to and your belief is really low because you haven’t accomplished much or anything towards your goal yet?

Well, I did give it another chance and before too long I had one ticket in my hand and I was happy. It was working. I wasn’t going to let down after that. I had some small success by getting that first ticket and I was ready to go for it now. By having taken action, my fear seemed to fade as my excitement took over. One of my daughters said I would never get the tickets and I said, what will you do when I do get them (with a smile on my face)? Boy did I have fun repeating what she said after we were in the show (haha).

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Hello Everyone,

I found this very interesting video that explains how to get what you want as long as you are connecting to the right people. Keep this in mind when you are doing anything. It’s fascinating.

Have a great week,


Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility

Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life

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Expanding Your Comfort Zone

I was recently appointed to VP of Education for my local toastmaster club of which if you aren’t participating in a toastmasters group, I highly encourage it. Unknowingly I found out it is my responsibility to make sure all the roles are in place for each meeting. Because the assigned toastmaster was unable to attend, I sent out an email giving everyone an opportunity to volunteer to be this week’s toastmaster and low and behold, no one responded with an affirmative. I’m happy to take on any role when an opening presents itself.

gold fish jumping out of water

How willing are you to jump out of your comfort zone?

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The Power We Have Within Ourselves

I was fortunate to come across one of the most interesting and inspiring videos I’ve seen in a while and want to pass it along to you. It’s well worth the time to watch. What a great story. What can we accomplish if we try. Peace is available to us all.

I’m not very knowledgeable in the area of health to the degree Jill Bolte Taylor is, but you don’t have to be to learn great lessons from her captivating presentation. Enjoy!