Shama Israel Adoni Elo Hanu Adoni Echad – Here oh Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is one
Why did I say that famous Jewish blessing? Because that’s how I go about the beginning of my prayers in helping to defeat the enemy.

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Challenges and difficulty happen all the time and you have to be prepared for them as much as possible. You see, the enemy can bring bitterness and disappointment and can cause you significant difficulty if you let it. The choice is up to you and if you are smart, you will be better prepared to meet those difficulties by making a decision on how you will respond to them when they do occur.
Let me tell you a little story that happened recently. As you may know, my daughter has been working on her Arcade Extravaganza project. Everything was going really good. Her friends and supporters like you were coming out to show support by making donations. Then it really got exciting when on Thursday August 6th a huge donation of $6000 came through. We were so happy because our goal was $6000 and we had more than that. At first we wondered if it was real or not and couldn’t believe it. We finally accepted that it was real and began to celebrate our success. I believe in G-d, so I was overwhelmed with appreciation and thankfulness to what had transpired. I believed that my long 18 year journey was finally paying off and that my time had come to experience the success that I had been looking for.
Susan began to contact corporate sponsors and one of the first 3, Bill Gates gave a generous $10,000 donation within 24 hours of the $6,000 donation having come in. We know Bill can afford it so we were ecstatic about this huge donation and it added very impressively to our total, which was now around $16,500 and we could breathe a breath of relaxation as we no longer would need to contemplate the possibility of needing to have a strong push to meet our $6,000 in 60 day goal.
There are several crowdfunding sites out there and Susan chose Kickstarter which requires you meet your goal or you don’t get any of the donations. So it was very imperative that we hit the 6K goal within the allotted time. Each crowd funding site is a little different in how they work, so it’s really good to know the differences of each and use the one you believe will work the best for what you are trying to achieve. Some don’t have deadlines, some don’t require you get all the money to get any of it; some have easier ways for contributors to donate and so on.
Monday morning, Aug 9th we got a tip that some of the donations were bogus and after investigating them, we found out that it was true. We contacted Kickstarter who has limited customer service and they did not respond. We wanted to get the account corrections made quickly in order to release a press release that was ready to go, so we attempted to correct the situation by removing the donations. Kickstarter decided to close the campaign at this point without contacting us and that was it.
We have since started a new campaign with another crowdfunding site called and we had to hold off on releasing the press release for now because we wanted to have some seed money donated before we announced Susan’s project via her press release. As a result, we are asking for your support again to donate the same as before. This time the donation will be instant, so please expect that. The URL hasn’t changed as we now redirect to the new site.
So my question to you is what are your enemies?
They are out there and you have to know they are going to come to you. How are you going to respond when they do? A victor or a victim? The choice is up to you. You see before the money was there and after we found out the money wasn’t there, nothing had changed other than time had passed and a lot of emotions of victory and disappointment. So if you took out that event in time, the same challenges await us. How are we going to respond to them is what matters, not what happened.
How do I deal with it? First, I expect it. Next, I leave it in the hands of my higher power and in doing so, I know He who cannot be defeated is taking on my problems and so I will be victorious in some way. Lastly, I know G-d has a master plan for me and so I say the Shama.
Have a great day,
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