Our mind can trick us into thinking that we shouldn’t do, what we would do, if we were fearless. It’s a shame our mind plays such tricks on us because the reality is if we accept our mind’s suggestion or opinion, it robs us of having the future we really want and strive for. Our minds work to keep us safe, and “playing it safe” can lead to an ordinary, usual, and mediocre life.

Overcoming Safety Thoughts
We all feel this way sometimes, including me. The key to overcoming these detrimental situations, is to get the right perspective on our dis-empowering thoughts and bring them to the light of day, by seeing them for what they really are; a way to stop us dead in our tracks towards reaching our goals and true potential.
I was reading The Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster by Darren Hardy tonight where he spoke about breaking through a barrier of settling for what his mind was presenting him. He always wanted to impress his dad and came to the realization that he didn’t need to do that any longer and could move forward in his life, based on his own terms instead.
Darren continues by asking us to write a definition of what success means to us. This is a very thought provoking question that I will take some time to ponder and encourage you to do the same.
But his next point describes a possible solution to overcome fear and accomplish a courageous action. Darren comes to the realization as noted in a Newsweek article that when we die, in most cases only 10 people will cry for us having left this planet. Furthermore, the biggest single factor in determining if people will or will not come to our burial site when we’re being buried is if it’s raining or not.
When I think about that, I can’t really think of reason not to break through a fear or take a risk. This is our lives, right now and it’s very fleeting as we all know. So if we aren’t going to stand up for who we are and what we want in life, we’ll never make it to where we want to go. It’s that simple.
I remember working at a high-tech company and being instructed to take charge of any situation as deemed necessary, by doing what I believed to be the right thing regardless of who may disagree. This is the attitude we need to take daily, not just when we are in leadership positions. Leadership is not a part-time occurrence, it’s all the time.
As Jim Rohn said, “Discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons!” We’ll cause a whole lot of regret if we back down from doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. Discipline yourself to do what you must do when you must do it.
Have a great day and until next time,