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You’ve Got To Believe To Succeed

Let me ask you a question. And I suggest you take a moment to think and answer it.

“When I say the word belief, what comes to mind?”

Most likely there are two possible areas that may be triggered, one being religious and the other being success minded. For the purposes of this article, we will address belief and how it relates to success.

When I think of belief, dreams and goals comes to mind. Because they all three go together hand in hand. Actually the order that these words might be discussed is like this: Dreams -> Belief -> Goals. First you must have a dream, whatever they are. Your dreams should have no boundaries, only desires of your heart. The next required phase of success is that you must believe in your dreams. In order to believe in something you have to have thought about it to the point where it goes beyond being characterized as a dream, but rather becomes a passion. Finally, by placing a date to accomplish a dream by, you create a goal for yourself. It is important to note that you must first believe in your dreams before a goal can be achieved. Similarly, in construction of a building, installation of windows requires walls, foundation, floors and so on be constructed first. There is a logical progression that is necessary.

One of the most useful pieces of information we can acquire from this discussion is the answer to the question, “How do we gain belief (in our dreams)?” The answer is in building your dream. In the beginning you determine your dream and consequently build belief based on that dream. Somewhere down the road on your path to achieving your goals, you may find that your belief falters you. Here is when you need to start at the beginning of the process by building that dream again. Make it huge and be specific to the point of experiencing perceived possession of your dream. So real in fact that you can touch it, taste it, and describe it in such a manner that others are completely convinced that you have already experienced that which you desire, your goal. Once your dreams are crystal clear to you, then you will believe your dreams are truly yours again.

In addition, tell yourself you deserve the dreams you desire and that you are worthy of them. Be prepared and willing to provide a product or service to others that will enable you to realize success. To become successful requires that you serve others in some way. When serving others, do so in a way that is pleasing to them. Doing so will provide a winning formula for you. Solicit feedback from potential customers as a means of determining if you are on the right track or not.

Believe hard and long. Deeply focus on it. Keep your dreams alive. Never give up, have patience and persistence. You can do it. You’ll never regret accomplishments as you journey through life. Yet regret will besiege you when challenges are not achieved. Belief in your mission, dreams, goals, and yourself will make the difference.

I want to leave you with one of my favorite quotes. W. Clement Stone said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

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  • michael levine February 12, 2009, 5:26 pm

    A good article to submit. The answer that comes to mind would be to have building blocks to believe, which are support, passion, spiritual, and a internal drive. Belief is to truly keep and use the four elements of the word. To have support is very strong and convincing for the passion and spiritual side.Now, the passion side is the part of what you want to do it the most. Spiritual is the feeling and religion of praying or thinking you already have it. The internal drive, is the final step in the process to work and achieve the things you want the most. Having all the elements of belief is to have the tools to create a temple of answers in goals.

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