If you know me at all, you know that I don’t usually say things like “Life Is Tough”, and you’re right I don’t because I believe that what you say is what you get. Maybe not right away, but your most dominate thoughts will determine your future. Just like self talk can change your future to whatever you choose it to be.
So why then did I say it?
The truth is that life is tough. The only time life isn’t tough is when you’re dead. So if you feel like you’re having a tough go at it, then you’re right on course. Thank your higher power for the strength to see it through. And remember that even tough times will pass at some time.
I was thinking late last night how sometimes going through hard or bad times is preparation for the good and great times. You have to have a comparison between the two (bad times and good) to even see that where you are at any moment (good or bad).
It’s easy to take for granted the good times and also easy to accentuate the not so good times. So how do we differentiate between the two? It’s up to us to do that. But always remember that no matter how bad it seems to get that it can get worse and it’s probably not as bad as you make it out to be.
Someone said, “If you knew other people’s problems you’d probably be happy to just have your own.”
You can persist, carry on and reach the sunny days that are sure to come. Count your blessings. Find 10 new things every day to be grateful for. That can help. Think of what the best possible outcome could be and realize it is possible for that to happen as much if not more as the bad results that can occur.
But I caution you to not dwell too much on what the outcome can be beyond providing yourself a good strategy for dealing with life’s situations, because that time can turn into wasted time and lost opportunity if you do. Instead find a possible solution to your problem and work your plan.
The key is taking some action in the best direction you think will help you to resolve a challenge the best way. Because you don’t want to leave a solution coming about by just the direction the wind blows. Similar to what Jim Rohn would say, you want to set the sail so you go in the direction you believe will work best in your situation while utilizing all of your experience and self improvement wisdom as you pursue resolution.
You can overcome a tough life and live the life you want. Tough situations make us stronger. Pray for strength to overcome them, not for things to get easier.
Until next week,
Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility
Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life