I’m currently reading The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale for at least the second time and it feels like my first time reading this powerful self-improvement book. I always enjoy reading from it.
One of the passages I read about in the book that actually is a more recently added portion of the book called, The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking, was so powerfully positively influencing that I want to share it with you right now.
To put some context around the passage I’ll say that sometimes people remark you have to be a realist or recognize the negative when utilizing the power of positive thinking should something negative happen or exist. I’ve thought in the past this kind of remark really “does not compute” with me, because I know positive thought is always “right” thinking.
And it is. However, I’ve recently learned you have to also consider “realism” or negativism around you at some level too. You might think my having recently discovered this to be surprising, but again for the past 18 years I’ve focused on positivity, goals, helping others, and work at hand more than anything else and in doing so have intentionally avoided the idea of realism or negativism.
The great thing I recently learned was how I can easily make realism or negativism acceptable or a part of my life without it becoming destructive to me. The following passage explains how. Interestingly you don’t even know what the passage is. You can bet I’ve purposely held off letting you know, but I’m not going to hold back on it any longer…
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale says, “So often, people don’t really understand the nature of positive thinking. A positive thinker does not refuse to recognize the negative, he refuses to dwell on it. Positive thinking is a form of thought which habitually looks for the best results from the worse conditions. It is possible to look for something to build on; it is possible to expect the best for yourself even though things look bad. And the remarkable fact is that when you seek good, you are very likely to find it.”
I found the above passage to not only be profound but extremely enlightening in my life and I hope it is for you too. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale continues by saying, “This seeking-the-positive is a deliberate process, and a matter of choice.” Incredible wisdom that I support and share the same visions for.
Have a great week,
Kevin (Mister SelfHelp)
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Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility
Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life
Hello Joao,
Thank you for your question.
Changing ones beliefs is possible, but it’s not easy. To do so you need to want to change and I mean really want to change. That’s why sometimes it’s said that a person has to get to rock bottom before they will change. And even so, that doesn’t always happen either.
Once you determine you really want to change your beliefs, then you can use self-talk said over and over with emotion and enthusiasm for thirty days. The more often and as powerfully you announce your new belief to the world and more importantly to yourself, the sooner and better the results you will get.
If you need more clarification, like how to write self-talk, please let me know and I can elaborate on it.
Hope that helps,
Ok, in terms I agree you, but you don´t say the best