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Remember the days

Remember the days when you were growing up and think about the great times you had. I know we usually think about the opposite, but we all have fond memories of our youth no matter how few they may seem. Some of these great moments might be brought back by the listening of a great old song you used to hear at that time of your life. This is very common for me as I’ve always loved music. There are other triggers to bringing back great times to our consciousness too like scrap books or year books, but you don’t have to have them to remember the days of your past.

Remember The Days Picture Of Little Girl With Mom At Poolside

Remember The Days Of Your Youth

What did you do in your youth that you had a lot of fun doing? Was it playing basketball? Roller skating? Playing with Barbie dolls or with friends? Going to a state fair? It could be anything? Couldn’t it? There are so many combinations of possibilities because everyone is so different and unique and we are influenced by our surroundings and the people within our lives at that time. It’s nice to dwell on the fun things we did as children. It just about brings a tear of sadness to my eye thinking about it because they are so meaningful to me. What about you?

What if you could do those same things that you loved to do as a child right now? Would you still want to do them? Maybe you should try and see. Some of the things I liked to do when I was a child was play pinball, dance, watch music videos/listen to music, explore the outdoors, roller skate, ride my bike, bowling, going to the movie theater, play on the side of a hill with my cars making roads and on and on. We all filled our youth doing “something’s” that were nice and fun.

It’s good to return to the great memories we have stored up inside ourselves and I reckon that visit doesn’t happen often enough. So I encourage you to remember the past by taking that journey now and again in the future from time to time when you can or need to get away from everything. Relive those incredible moments. You deserve it and you’ll be glad you did. Sharing your stories with friends and family makes for additional special moments, so do that too.

Why not relive the past in a positive way. Remember the days of the past as they are your own, special, and unique. Nobody has ever lived the life you have and life consists of the experiences we have during the time we share on this planet. Make new memories, but also enjoy your past too. It’s free … and remember … the things you liked or loved doing when you were young, gives clues to what you’d like or love to do as an adult. Take some time and give some serious thought to your wonderful past and follow your dream!

Have a great week,

Kevin (Mister SelfHelp)

Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility

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{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Administrator June 15, 2013, 3:28 pm

    That is a great point Janet. Thank you for sharing. I’ve recently picked up a book entitled “Stop Self-Sabotage” by Pat Pearson on a recommendation. Although I haven’t read much, I find it very interesting and probably a huge factor in the challenges that I face. The topic and book is very relevant to reflecting on the past, present, and future. Good wishes to you, Kevin

  • Janet Swartz March 5, 2013, 10:59 am

    The video is cool. However, I would never like to go back to anything in my life. I look forward to being fully present in the moment and create possibility here and now. That will be my future.

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