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No Boundaries On What You Can Achieve

As I turn to a new Chapter in my life, I discover that there really isn’t anything that you can’t achieve if you believe. The truth is you may never be able to turn plants into gold, but how often do we place far more realistic goals into categories of uncertainty or stack them on piles of dead dreams?

I use two websites to help you to become the best you that you can be called “Believe Yourself To Success dot com” and “Belief Equals Possibility dot com”. Both of which have significant meaning in everyone’s life. Beyond the help I want to provide you to obtain your dreams, I want to highlight goal achieving and reaching success individuals here in order to inspire and show you that others are able to hit their dreams and you can to. My last desire in making my websites successful to you is in providing a focus to the meaning of both website names.

Switch Your Life To Success

Which Path Will Your Life's Energy Flow Through?

The new chapter I have opened up in my life is that of having a new job that I really enjoy. I have worked hard over the past 5 months and become certified in 2 significant IT Professional certifications (DCUCI and VCP4, which are Cisco Systems Unified Computing solution and VMware’s vShpere version 4 platform) along with taking on other tasks made available to me. Now for a lot of you these certifications may sound very foreign and/or insignificant, and that’s alright.

The point I want to make is that I didn’t have to acquire them. I could have done other things or ignored the required preparation and effort, but I chose to take on the challenge instead. I’ve decided to push myself more than ever and to achieve what some people may think is impossible. You can achieve whatever it is you want if you will program yourself for success, never give up, and be persistent.

You see most people don’t give their all at doing anything. Just think if they did what they could achieve? We have so much more capacity to do, have, and become everything and anything we want to become if we will only believe in ourselves. It may be hard to believe in yourself and/or it may be hard to complete the effort that it takes to reach your goal or dream, but so what?

Isn’t it time that you made your mark on life? Drifting endlessly and needlessly through life is no way to go. Life is very short, so start now, and keep in mind that enjoying life means experiencing it. You can’t experience life with an attitude that is less than positive and experience it to its fullest. One of my favorite mentors Earl Nightingale said something to the effects of “The level of success within your life is equal to the positive attitude you have.”

Think about the potential of that single thought. It’s brilliant because it means you can aspire to any level of happiness or success merely by changing your attitude and making it more positive. That gives hope to us all, doesn’t it? I get excited just thinking about it. So go for your dreams with a “can do” attitude and check your attitude constantly testing for “was that a positive thought thought or verbalized?” and you’ll create a new future for yourself way beyond whatever you thought you could achieve.

And let me tell you the joy and meaning life will have when you are continuously moving closer to and achieving the goals you set for yourself. Those experiences will move you closer to bigger and larger goals like a peak to peak principle of seeing the next peak after achieving a previous peak so you can live the life you truly desire and aspire to living, all along the way being respected and liked for what you do.

Until next time,

Kevin (Mister SelfHelp)

Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility
Learning Things School Never Taught Us On How To Live A Better Life ©

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