As I walked my dogs tonight I thought about the value of money. Now, don’t get me wrong, I believe money is good. It has the power to do great things in this world in helping people, good causes, and many many wonderful results. So I’m definitely a money making proponent.
My gripe is when making a decision is based on making money rather than “Doing the right thing”. I’m probably talking about this out of frustration and disappointment more than anything, but it’s a story that needs to be told.

Here’s an example, the car industry letting the petroleum companies dictate how many miles per gallon a car can have or making them continue to create cars that run on gas when doing so creates a loud, smelly, polluting, and war causing situation verses creating cars that run on electricity created by solar panels placed on the roofs and bodies of a car. It’s easy to see that the latter is “The right thing to do” and what do we live with?
I really believe in doing the right thing over making money when there is a conflict. And it angers me to see the “wrong” thing being done instead. I don’t believe there is any excuse in doing anything other than what’s right. There’s always an excuse for doing the wrong thing when it is done, but the truth is there is a better solution that will benefit all the so called excuses that far surpasses loss of making a change, for doing the right thing.
If you hold in your heart, proven by your actions, that the “value of money” is more important than “doing the right thing”, then I wish you would just make room for the folks that are out there willing, ready, and able to do the Right thing and take a back seat to destroying our world and the lives or others by “doing the wrong thing”.
I’ve had this conversation with some people before and they say, the people who do wrong may not know that they do wrong. But let’s face it, is it really rock science? I don’t think so.
Have a great week and G-d Bless,
Kevin (Mister Selfhelp)
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