As I thought about Dara and her accomplishments it dawned on me that Dara is a US hero and then I quickly realized she’s a world hero. Regardless who you are or what your age is you can find admiration and inspiration from Dara’s story.
You see Dara didn’t just settle for mediocre, she strived for excellence and she achieved it. She painstakingly analyzed every element of swimming and took the good she found while learning from others who had gone before her. Dara left no stone unturned and didn’t leave her passion to win up to chance. She planned it out, she believed in herself and in the excellence which gave her the confidence to know she could achieve her goals.
What makes Dara’s story even more interesting is she didn’t just practice and achieve, she had all the challenges and difficulties that we all face in day to day life. Best yet, she overcame them and won!
Here’s a good point about the joy in reading this story by and about Dara Torres, keep reading inspirational stories like these. Find people who inspire you to be the best you can be and do, have, and achieve more. This is one of the key elements in what I teach if you want to fulfill the goals in your life most effectively and efficiently. Turn off the radio or the TV and reach out for some great book that will help make you something great too.
Until next week, You Are Incredible!
Kevin (Mister SelfHelp)
Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility
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