I’ve been listening and paying attention to my mentors and in doing so have come to peace with what it is that I’m on this planet to do. Just like them I’m here to give to you the best in order for you to believe and achieve. I’ve even changed the subtitle of Belief Equals Possibility to read “The Number 1 Site on Believing and Achieving”.
One common thread that runs between all my mentors is they’ve found their life’s purpose and passion by giving of themselves in such a way that they continuously work to do all they can do to help you, what I’d call “Our loyal fans!”
They give of themselves over and over in a labor of love. It’s not really work to them, but rather an opportunity to do what they love to do. Doesn’t that sound like they’ve found their Life’s Purpose and Passion?
You can honestly feel the love they have towards the people they hope to help and serve. I can tell you that nothing feel s better than to live a life like this, but I’m partial as I’m just like them :^)
Just writing this right now brings an amazing feeling within that’s hard to explain but yet encompasses an incredible amount of joy. I’m so blessed to be able to serve you, “My loyal fans” in doing that which I love to do, and in doing so fulfilling my life’s passion and purpose.
I remember recently going to one of my daughter’s percussion presentation that had many teams involved of which each one spent long hours to perform for just a few minutes, like an Olympic event, with the hopes of winning the contest and being number one or at least something near the top for all the competitors. One of the things I heard a coach say to his team was to “Walk with purpose” as they moved onto the court to perform their routines. I encourage you to try it out for yourself everyday over and over in an effort to build a habit so you’ll live a better life than you would have by not doing so.
Another word of wisdom I heard just yesterday was to determine if the benefit of doing something has more benefit than not doing it and if it does then do it! Think about that :^)
That way once you find your life’s purpose and passion, you’ll move like you are a man with a mission and have a better opportunity of achieving that which you desire. If you’ve already found your life’s purpose and passion, then you’ll move faster at achieving it by walking with purpose.
Have a great week,
Kevin (Mister SelfHelp)
Believe Yourself To Success Because Belief Equals Possibility
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