But think about this, when you get going on your goal, you may start to realize that achieving it takes longer and requires a lot more energy than you previously thought. That’s when “problems” can seem to develop.
They can all be ironed out with persistence, belief, faith and a tapping into a higher power or by using your sub-conscientious mind. This is where growth lies, and remember growth is good.
It’s also at this time that it’s easy to find yourself perhaps feeling a little or a lot of stress because you are so focused on your dream. When this happens, it causes you to lose the best part of achieving a goal, and that’s enjoying the journey.
I tell this story because it happens to me and because I recognized it this time, I can now take a step back and change my direction from being in a negative state of mind to a positive one. And that’s a choice, but if I hadn’t recognized it, I wouldn’t have even had a choice to live a different life than the one I was living.
Choose to be thankful and happy with your progress regardless of how long it may take and how many set-backs may occur. The real enjoyment in attaining a goal is all in the journey. Enjoy it.
Until next time,
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