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Enjoy Your Goal Journey

Your Journey Is Exciting

It’s easy to think of a goal in your mind and with a little more effort, what needs to be provided in order to get it written, especially how a goal should be written. You know, positive, as if it’s already happened, obtainable but stretches you and so on.

But think about this, when you get going on your goal, you may start to realize that achieving it takes longer and requires a lot more energy than you previously thought. That’s when “problems” can seem to develop.

They can all be ironed out with persistence, belief, faith and a tapping into a higher power or by using your sub-conscientious mind. This is where growth lies, and remember growth is good.

It’s also at this time that it’s easy to find yourself perhaps feeling a little or a lot of stress because you are so focused on your dream. When this happens, it causes you to lose the best part of achieving a goal, and that’s enjoying the journey.

I tell this story because it happens to me and because I recognized it this time, I can now take a step back and change my direction from being in a negative state of mind to a positive one. And that’s a choice, but if I hadn’t recognized it, I wouldn’t have even had a choice to live a different life than the one I was living.

Choose to be thankful and happy with your progress regardless of how long it may take and how many set-backs may occur. The real enjoyment in attaining a goal is all in the journey. Enjoy it.

Until next time,


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