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Goals, Goals, Goals

As some of you know, I’ve been working on myself for over 17 years and I’ve heard about goals and how important they are and so on. I even try to employ them. However, if you are like me where you start utilizing goals and then find yourself not doing it after some period of time, then I know how you feel. I find that when I’m writing monthly goals I get more done and when I don’t I even feel guilty about not doing so. I say to myself and sometimes others, “I need to write some new goals for this month.” Even doing this doesn’t bring forth those great intentions. Recently a friend of mine shared with me an article written by one of my favorite self-help author and speaker Brian Tracy called “Activating Your Success Mechanism” (http://www.wcool.com/religion/goals.html) and I got a new sense of excitement and enthusiasm towards goal setting.

Brian goes deeper into the value of setting goals, why we should set them and how to make them than I recall anyone else ever doing. I highly recommend this article and find from the ideas presented, additional points can be pondered, making Brian’s document an opening to even more conversation in this area. So I might be referring back to this article a couple of more times in the future.

Brian says, “One point that all motivational teachers agree upon is that every peak-performing man or woman is an obsessive goal setter.” Just from that opening article sentence we get a sense of the importance of goal setting. For me and most likely for you too, or you wouldn’t be reading this right now, I want to be the best I can be and live at my peak performance. You may already know as I do that Brian Tracy is a reputable resource when it comes to topics like goal setting. So his credibility is extremely high and as a result I begin to think to myself that I had better be a goal setter if I am to reach my desire of living my life at peak performance. As I mentioned before I have set goals for myself off and on over my life, but not consistently. This provides a conflict in what I want and what I do. I would say this is an awaking to make some changes in my life so that I can become better, which will accelerate my journey to reaching my goals.

Writing goals is really not a hard thing to do and it doesn’t take much time. In addition, doing so is fun to do. So why don’t we do it in a regular manner? Have you ever tried it?

My focus is providing quality content to my readers like you and sharing my website with others so they can benefit from the materials too. In doing so, I have created a press release announcing the beginning of this website (http://beliefequalspossibility.com). In having accomplished this task, soon to be completed, I did not write down my goal to accomplish this. Interestingly, I felt that it took longer to complete than it should have. I believe that had I properly written my goals to complete this work I would have finished it sooner and “known” how to feel about it, because when you have a goal, you know if you are on track or not. Without goals, you have no idea. You may think you are on track or not, but either way you don’t know. So I believe having goals provides an extra benefit by helping you to determine and track your project progress.

My next project that I have already begun is to create a self-help giveaway to my current subscribers and to attract new ones. Prior to reading Brian’s article on goal setting I made a plan of action so I could determine what steps needed to be accomplished in order for me to meet my goal of having or being in a self-help giveaway. While I read the article, I wrote the goal down of having achieved being involved in a self-help giveaway. Now I need to add the level of detail that Brian talks about in the article to assist in making this project the best it can be and determine if I am on track or not. I am under a 30 day deadline, so I’ll set my activity goals to match that timeline. It will be interesting to see how it goes, but one thing is for sure, I have a HUGE advantage of making my goal on time by having done this exercise. And to me, this is the most important goal for me at this moment, so completing it on-time will be a BIG boost in my “feeling good” bucket.

I encourage you to do the same by setting one goal, mapping it out, and placing a deadline in getting it done. Let’s see what you can accomplish. I look forward to sharing mine with you and hearing about yours. Thank you and G-d bless.

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