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Failing Forward

Everyone runs into brick walls going through their lives sooner or later. It may be a huge financial loss. It may be a struggle with some opposing force. It may be not getting that job, promotion, or opportunity that you are so very much hoping for. From time to time, we all find ourselves in situations that appear so devastating to us that it can be hard to carry on. Yet life goes on. How do we cope with these kinds of situations? That’s a question you should ask yourself when faced with extreme disappointment. Because the answer to that question will determine if we move on and upward or if we sink with the bad news and reality of the situation into a never-ending hole of depression. I’m not talking about a death of a close person here, but rather other events.

I’ve had this kind of situation happen to me and know others who have had them happen to themselves too. Fortunately, they are rare; however their affects can be very lasting if we let them be. I suggest that we analyze them, like we most likely have already over and over and not focus on the destruction or the terrible results that happened, but rather what can be learned from this situation and how it can be avoided in the future. Let’s face it, we can’t change the past. We also owe it to ourselves to not let the past negatively influence the future. We can think about the past, but that will only cause us to become less than we can be, with the exception of learning from it. So you may want to ask the question, “If I could do it all over again, what might I have changed?” and “What learning is there to be gained by having gone through this situation that I didn’t know before?” This is your chance to either grow through the situation or live it in and it’s misery for as long as you choose.

Life is so short and can be so beautiful if we choose to see it that way. With every bad situation, there is an equal and opposite positive situation that has occurred as well. Let’s seek out the joys of that positive event and bath in it.

I have two young daughters age 10 and 11 and one thing they have helped me with is appreciating the world and all the little beautiful things that are around us. I find that I work a lot and take for granted the little beautiful wonderful things we all have to enjoy around us. The beautiful food that we enjoy, the wonderful call we get from a loved one to tell us an accomplishment that they have achieved, the bee flying around a flower, a dog’s eyes showing love for his or her master. There are billions of beautiful things and events that we can bask in if we look for and at them.

If we dwell in the misery of a loss as described here, then we will most likely miss the beauty I speak about here. And when we work to move on and put this behind us, we have the possibility of fixing the loss that occurred. For example, let’s say you lost $600,000 due to some unforeseeable situation. Next after having put that behind you and working hard on your fortune again with the new knowledge you have from that experience, you find yourself a millionaire. That $600,000 loss will not seem to be a loss at all, but rather a lesson. If you don’t move on to find your destiny and the success that can be yours, then you will never know and you will never feel this experience.

The fact is if you can create $600,000 you can do it again and more. To do this you need to ask for forgiveness to yourself in what happened so you can let it go completely and then believe that you can succeed. As Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” So your loss can become a lesson instead and the pain from thinking about it can be replaced with a sense of appreciation and gratefulness. What do you think?

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