However, the bottom line is trying to determine what putting your time, energy and effort into that’s worthy of you, isn’t an easy task. It takes a lot of self-reflecting, which means a lot of thought. But the good news if you work at becoming better, reading the books and listening to the self-improvement teachings, you’ll eventually figure things out.
It may take 6 months like it took me and it might take more or less time for you to discover what you are on this planet to do with yourself that is at total harmony with who you are. That doesn’t matter, take the time you need to get it right because life is so short and valuable that you have to be doing that which you are meant to do and nothing else.
There is nothing you can’t accomplish, I believe that. You just have to believe in you and commit to your dream. Your dream is where your passion lies.
May you discover your purpose.
Until next time,
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