It’s because I read from a positive self-improvement book and listen to self-improvement trainings every day. I rarely if ever miss a day to grow and get better. You probably already know this but, you’re either growing or falling behind (shrinking) because one thing’s for sure and that is, everything’s changing. In our world everything is changing, nothing stays constant.
And with change, there is opportunity for growth and learning. Commit yourself to lifelong learning as my friend Brian Tracy would say. It’s actually not a chore but a delight. It’s fun to learn new things daily. You have to seek them out though, and part of doing so might mean changing habits that steal your precious time.
It’s kind of funny because when Vic mentioned that quote, “Every Day and in Every Way I’m Getting Better and Better”, I just now realized that it’s true for me as it seemed like something anyone and everyone would do when you’ve created a habit of any kind. But the truth is that for most people, taking on this characteristic isn’t a daily endeavor. However, it can be true for you and it’s never too late.
Remember, you will never achieve the level of success that you have not yet prepared yourself for. So if you want a better life, start working on yourself and if you want to continue enjoying the life you have, then work on yourself too, because if you don’t, you won’t have the life you have now for very long. Things are a changing my friends.
Until next time,
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