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What Kind Of Legacy Are You Creating?

As people focused on being the best we can be and in helping others we are always working on ourselves. To be the best we can be. I’ve heard about living my life so that my eulogy is one that I will feel proud of rather than one which reflects everything except the things I wished I’d have done but put off until later only to find that later never came. Another way of looking at this is to ask the question, “What kind of legacy am I going to leave long after I am gone?” This is what people remember you by and lives on beyond the life you lived, so it relates very closely to what might be reflected by an accurate eulogy.
One thing that struck me profoundly today as I saw my spiritual leader leaving our congregation after having served admirably for 5 years is what was said by another congregant. He said something like, “For the past 5 years you have done a terrific job and you leave a great legacy in the people of this congregation as a result of the work you did during your service here.” Hearing this struck a chord with me because whenever I’ve thought about leaving a legacy I think about it in regards to my whole life or the whole life of a person the question is applicable to. But today I saw it in a block of time like a 5 year “life” chunk. Just think … you could leave a legacy in a reasonably short time period when compared to the overall scheme of things like my spiritual leader did.

Maybe you have already created a legacy you can be proud of, or maybe not. If not, you don’t need a whole life time to do so, there’s no minimum or maximum amount of time required to find and deliver on something that positively reflects who you are and what you’re all about resulting in a legacy. Why not make a life changing decision today to complete your positive legacy that you desire to achieve? You could start something that will live on after you are gone and look to more accomplishments of this type if you like. I challenge you to make at least one big something big, so you can enjoy the benefit of having done so rather than die with the music still in you and possibly regretting what you didn’t get done.

Thanks and until next time. Believe Yourself To Success because Belief Equals Possibility.

You can do it,

Kevin Levine

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  • mc September 14, 2009, 5:36 am

    Thank you much for that useful post.

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