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Do I Have What It Takes? 7 Ways To Improve Your Self-Esteem

Do I Have What It Takes? 7 Ways To Improve Your Self-Esteem

Of course you do! However as I go about my day to day activities, I can’t help but notice how people can be down on themselves so much. Success will come to those that have a great self-image. How do you feel about yourself? Are you pleased? Or are you discouraged? If you aren’t ecstatic with yourself, then you can use a change for the better. Because you will never go beyond the level of success that you can see, believe, and feel for yourself and to believe and see the success you truly desire, requires your self-esteem be at that same level. You must know that you are worthy of achieving that which you desire.

Here are seven ways to improve how you see and feel about yourself. Try these …

1) Tell yourself that you love and like yourself on a regular basis
2) Block out, avoid, and protect against negative thoughts and information regardless of how hard it is to do and what it is. Keep positive by investing in and utilizing self help materials of all kinds
3) Build confidence in the areas that you need to have confidence in. Do so by learning more about the talent, skill or topic and strive to be an expert at it
4) Make a list of all the things you have done that you consider accomplishments. Go over this list by adding things as they come to mind and also to review. As you review your list, bask in the feeling it gives you as a result of having reached these accomplishments.
5) Start doing things, even little things that move you closer toward your goals so you can celebrate in these accomplishments. As you take these small steps, you will feel better about yourself
6) Have big dreams and focus on them over and over. Make a huge list of the best things that you can acquire and become in your life. Emotionalize them to the point that they are real to you. Talk to yourself and others about them constantly. Dreams of this caliber will lift your self-confidence causing you to begin moving in a direction that makes them come to pass. Once you have your goals and you continually focus on them then the key will be to stay persistent at reaching them
7) Associate with success minded people, as they will lift you up and support you in your endeavors

Self-esteem, how you feel about yourself is so important to your success that without it, you won’t succeed in a meaningful and worthwhile way. You’ve got to work and practice building self-esteem on a daily basis along with the necessary actions you do that will move you closer to your goals. Just like food for your body, so is the importance of food for the mind. You can’t expect to make leaps and bounds in any area of your life, like relationships, happiness, peacefulness, financial, or otherwise without working on it. You’ve got to put heat in the oven before you can bake the cake. And heating the oven begins by working on yourself at being the best you can be. Of course, the cake is the desired result.

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Rachel Price October 25, 2010, 2:28 am

    everyone likes to be able to do some Self-Help stuffs, it is a good idea to be able to help yourself with just about any proble;-:

  • Tyler Young July 2, 2010, 7:39 pm

    i love to read self-help books on the internet. they can really improve your life.,”~

  • Emily July 1, 2010, 3:19 am

    I loved your article post.Much thanks again. Great.

  • Sharie April 29, 2010, 2:07 pm

    Really good post,You discover interesting things every day.

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