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Gestation Period – How Long Does It Take?

As Bob Proctor says, “Everything has a gestation period.” For example, we know that it takes 9 months from conception until a new born baby is born. And there is a gestation period for plants from seedling to producing fruits or vegetables.

So why are we talking about this? Because as we move towards our dreams and goals, we may wonder and ask ourselves how long will it take until we achieve them? I know I’ve asked and pondered this question myself. The answer to the question, how long will it take to reach a goal or dream is that you won’t know until you reach it. However, you can and will reach whatever it is that you desire if you never give up and are persistent in reaching it. You stand a better chance of reaching your goal or desire sooner and at all if you are fanatical about it and keep in the forethought of you mind as much as possible.

The best thing you can do is to take daily action that will move you in the direction of completing your goals everyday regardless how small the activity may be. I’ve found that by setting monthly goals and saying them at least twice a day is very helpful to me. I recommend taking a day a week for yourself and to not work on your monthly goals during that one weekly day so you can be sure to enjoy the journey of your life. Make those days something special for yourself and as much as possible; share it with friends and family.

When you continuously work towards your dreams and goals on a daily basis you know that it is a matter of time before you will achieve them. Also, you will find opportunities appearing before you that lend in helping you to achieve those goals and dreams that either would not have done so had you not been working toward them or you would not have recognized them.

For example, I’ve been working on increasing traffic to my websites ““Believe Yourself To Success” and “Belief Equals Possibility”, which among many other things promotes very helpful products benefiting its many dedicated members. I misplaced access information to one of those products, a highly recommended tapping product of which I recently purchased in order to learn of its value. Upon requesting access information again, I was introduced to the author of the tapping product. Now I have a personal connection with the author that may lead to us working together.

The possibility of working with the author of a product I am endorsing would not have happened had I not been working towards my goal of helping and serving my customers to accentuate achieving of their goals and dreams. As a result of having been focused on my goals, I recognized this opportunity for what it was and didn’t write it off as just a simple customer support transaction. In fact, I was surprised that I actually was put in direct touch with the author of the product, which I feel is rare in any situation.

The gestation period of achieving a goal and dream is directly proportional to the amount of effort and focus you put into achieving them, which is influenced by the pain of not doing it and the pleasure from the rewards of having done them. Usually, reaching your achievements is considered to have never passed too soon. My wish for you is to realize all the success and joy in life that you desire.

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Preet October 27, 2015, 3:12 am

    Lol, I was trying to find how long the gestation period for a plant was or if they even had these periods but ending up reading this instead. Quite interesting though…..

  • Anonymous May 15, 2010, 12:12 am

    Been looking for this article for long time ago and finally found here. thanks for sharing this post. appreciate!

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