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What Day Is Going To Be Your Best?

I was thinking today that one day of your life is going to be the best day of your life. However, in reality we won’t know when it will be and in most cases that it has even happened. So my thought focused on this question, “Why not have the best day of your life today?” You certainly could. And to take it one step further, you could have a better day today than most or others if you just chose to do so. In fact, you could have great days most everyday if you really wanted to.

One way to get on the right track in achieving a goal to have your best day today or better than most days today is to answer anyone asking how you are doing with an emphatic “Great” response or something even better, like “It couldn’t get better” or “Today is super, fantastic, incredible and awesome.” You may laugh at that last one but the truth is you will begin to feel as you speak. It’s happened to me so I have proof. You can try it out too. I’ve even got responses like, “What happened, did you win the lottery?” I answer that I have something much better than having won the lottery. I have so much to be grateful for. For example, just to be alive, my family, my health, safety, and on and on. I could go on forever.

And one thing I have found as a result of having an attitude of this type is that I feel much better about myself, what I’m doing, and about life in general. I realize that life hits us with realities consisting of challenges that sometimes seem insurmountable, but you can have more “better” days by telling yourself and others how you want to feel. And when you take this action, more times than not, you will feel the way you desire. Having a positive and happy attitude helps you feel good about yourself and others and provides you with more potential to the success you are aspiring to. Keep up the great work and try out this technique. People who know me also know how I will respond to the question of “How are you today?”

Remember, today could be the best day of your life and even if it’s number 2 or 3 or whatever number behind the best day of your life, you’ll ultimately experience a much fuller rewarding life, and accomplish a lot more than you would have otherwise. My wish for you is to experience all the happiness and satisfaction you can.

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