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What Today’s World Needs is Something Good! (Part 1 of 2)

Bob Proctor says, “Everything has a beginning. If you drive, you had to learn how to drive. If you type, you had to learn how to type. The same is true for living successfully, for having it all. When you learn how to do something, you begin by learning the basics. And then diligently work with those basics until you have them mastered.” Mr. Proctor goes on to say, “Understand that the time you spend to master the basics will pay great dividends in the long run.” Belief Equals Possibility website does just that. It provides the basics in human potential so that anyone can realize their G-d given talents and live at peak performance to create the life they dream and desire.

Anyone can have anything they want in this world, yet the problem as to why most don’t live the life they want is because they don’t believe in themselves or they don’t believe that they are worthy enough to have what they want. Both revolve around self image. So if we can increase our self image, then we can begin to work towards achieving our dreams and goals. Belief Equals Possibility is designed to be a catalyst in what already exists in each and every one of us, yet unfortunately often ends up never seeing the light of day.

In today’s world of all the bad situations, doom, and gloom we can easily find ourselves thinking thoughts that add to our demise because it’s what we see and hear everyday. It doesn’t take long to find in a newspaper or view a news program on TV to find out how bad things are out there. This kind of information can become dream stealing information if we let it. We must change our channel of information and realize that there has never been a better time in the history of the world to become a millionaire. And other thoughts like, it’s never been a better time to make a positive difference in the lives of thousands.

There is nothing we can’t do if we change our thinking. And for things to change in our lives, our thinking needs to change. This requires that we believe in a new way, adopt a new philosophy, and accept new better and positive ideas. We can’t keep doing what we have been doing in the past and expect different results; life just doesn’t work that way. So if we want our life to change by having more money, or better relationships, or whatever, then we have to change.

To be continued …

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Anonymous May 14, 2010, 7:22 pm

    Good information here, thanks.

  • Dianna Mickle April 7, 2010, 4:25 pm

    Nice job!

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